Do you have a constantly rebooting computer? Listen and learn as the Tech Woes IT gods magically fix a constantly rebooting computer.
A constantly rebooting computer
indicates that it is very unhappy about something.
Following is a transcript
of a person with a constantly rebooting computer and a terribly unhelpful tech support person. Of course, tech support guy just wants to get rid of the customer and go home. As is my policy, I have changed the names to protect the guilty. Any resemblance to real life situations is purely coincidental. Or is it? Perhaps, it is a little bit of both. I hope you enjoy my goofy attempt at geek humor. I welcome you to express your opinions and share your frustrating experiences in the comments below. If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share it with others. Thank you for stopping by. Craig Herberg
Unhelpful tech support guy: Technical support. How may we humiliate you?
Unsuspecting tech woes victim: My computer constantly reboots. Can you help me?
Unhelpful tech support guy: Sure. Press the power button on the front of your computer.
Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Ok.
Unhelpful tech support guy: Now hold it in for ten seconds. Did the computer shut down?
Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Yes, it did.
Unhelpful tech support guy: Good. Wait five minutes before turning it back on.
Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Will that fix the problem?
Unhelpful tech support guy: Sure will.
Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Thank you for your help.
Unhelpful tech support guy: You’re welcome. Have a great day. [Aside] What a dummy. My shift is over. I’m out of here.