We have all seen the Windows illegal operation message. Listen and learn as the Tech Woes IT super gurus fix the annoying Windows illegal operation problem.
Windows illegal operation message
is one that everyone sees, from time to time. Hopefully, it will give the source of the Windows illegal operation. For example, it could say that Firefox caused an error.
Following is a transcript
of a person with a Windows illegal operation message and a ding-dong of an unhelpful tech support person. In this case, the caller calls him out for his stupid answer. As is my policy, I have changed the names to protect the guilty. Any resemblance to real life situations is purely by chance. Or is it? Perhaps, it is a little bit of both. I hope you enjoy my goofy attempt at geek humor. I welcome you to express your opinions and share your frustrating experiences in the comments below. If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share it with others. Thank you for stopping by. Craig Herberg
Unhelpful tech support guy: Technical support. How may we humiliate you?
Unsuspecting tech woes victim: My computer screen has a message on it.
Unhelpful tech support guy: What sort of message?
Unsuspecting tech woes victim: It says I have committed an illegal operation.
Unhelpful tech support guy: You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you do say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney.
Unsuspecting tech woes victim: But I was just trying to use my computer.
Unhelpful tech support guy: Are you waiving your right to an attorney?
Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Let me talk to your supervisor.
Unhelpful tech support guy: Supervisor? I’m technical support. I don’t answer to anybody. [Aside] The nerve of these people.