Apple Watch GPS Blues

Do you have the Apple Watch GPS blues, because you are disappointed that your expensive Apple Watch doesn’t have a GPS? Learn how the tech woes pros cure the Apple Watch GPS blues.

Apple Watch GPS Blues

When the Apple watch first came out, Apple  may have oversold its utility as a fitness watch. Runners who want to track their runs without their phones are out of luck. Ditto for people who want to track flights of stairs climbed. Much less expensive fitness watches provide these features. This lack of basic fitness features caused some to contract the Apple Watch GPS Apple watch GPS blues tech woesblues.

What follows is a transcript of an Apple watch owner concerned about his lack of GPS and a woefully unhelpful tech support person. As is my policy, I have changed the names to protect the not so innocent. Any resemblance to real life situations is purely coincidental. Or is it? Maybe a little bit of both. I hope you enjoy my subtle attempt at geek humor, and welcome you to express your opinions and share your frustrating experiences in the comments below.  If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share it with others. Thank you for stopping by.  Craig Herberg

Unhelpful tech support guy: Technical support.  How may we humiliate you?

Unsuspecting tech woes victim: I just paid 800 dollars for an apple watch, and I want to use a GPS to track my run.

Unhelpful tech support guy: Your apple watch is too advanced to have a GPS.

Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Huh?

Unhelpful tech support guy: It was designed to use the GPS in your car.  Have someone drive beside you to track your run.

Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Thank you so much.  You make it so easy.

Unhelpful tech support guy: Thank you for the kind words and for calling technical support, where a stupid answer is only a phone call away.

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