Attach a Document

Do you need help to attach a document to an email message? Watch our Tech Woes IT super geek make it easy to Attach a Document.

attach a documentAttach a Document

How hard can it be to do this? For many people, especially the young and tech savvy, it’s quite easy. On the other hand, a lot of people struggle with the concept. If you store your documents in an organized manner, it is much easier to find them. Conversely, if you store your documents any which where, you will have a hard time finding the document you want to attach. Documents are a lot like dishes. If you keep them organized in the cupboard, you can usually find them. Of course, if you scatter them around the house, good luck finding the one you need!

Following is a transcript

of a person who needs to attach a document to an email and a mischievous tech support person. As is my policy, I have changed the names to protect the guilty. Any resemblance to real life situations is purely coincidental. Or is it? Maybe a little bit of both. I hope you enjoy my goofy attempt at geek humor.   I welcome you to express your opinions and share your frustrating experiences in the comments below.  If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share it with others. Thank you for stopping by.  Craig Herberg

Unhelpful tech support guy: Technical support. How may we humiliate you?

Unsuspecting tech woes victim: I need help attaching a document to an email message.

Unhelpful tech support guy: Ok, I’ll walk you through the process. Ready?

Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Let’s rock.

Unhelpful tech support guy: Step 1, print out your email message.

Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Ok.

Unhelpful tech support guy: Step 2, print out your document.

Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Ok.

Unhelpful tech support guy: Step 3, staple your two printouts together.

Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Ok.

Unhelpful tech support guy: Great Job! You just attached a document to an email message.

Unsuspecting tech woes victim: Thank you so much. I’ve struggled with this problem for years. You make it so easy.

Unhelpful tech support guy: Thank you for the kind words and for calling technical support, where a stupid answer is only a phone call away.

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